Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Low Carb Coconut Macaroons

My mother-in-law is diabetic but that has never stopped her from eating dessert! She will tell me not to put too much sugar in the whipping cream or pies I make for my sugar eating family and then she will take a piece of each pie! Little does she know, I now use Truvia sweetener in most of my desserts. I made a beautiful Hazelnut Torte last weekend with no flour and no sugar in it and there was nothing left but crumbs, well, until someone licked the cake plate as a joke!
Truvia is an Erythritol/Stevia mix. There is also one called Truvia Blend that comes in a bag but DO NOT BUY THAT ONE, it is half real sugar. Read the label! So far the Truvia without the sugar only comes in a small 270 gram pot but Truvia is concentrated and only needs 1/2 to 1/3 the quantity of real sugar. For this recipe I recommend using 1/3 cup Truvia or 2/3 Cup of your preferred sweetener since we are using unsweetened coconut.
My mother-in-law has a soft spot for macaroon but they are quite expensive to buy and the sugar in them is not good for her. She asked me if I could make them for her so I started experimenting. The final result is the recipe you find below. These cookies are almost ZERO net carbs (less than1 net carbs per cookie). YES, you read me right but do not go wild because calories still count (35 calories per cookie) and the sugar alcohols and fibre will send you running to the loo if you over do it.
Low Carb Coconut Macaroons
Low carb Coconut Macaroons
1 bag (200 grams) unsweetened shredded coconut
2 Tablespoons Oat Fibre (not oat flour) 1 tablespoon of coconut flour can be used instead.
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 Cup Truvia Sweetener (or equivalent to 2/3 Cup sugar of your favourite sweetener)
1/3 Cup liquid egg whites
1 large whole egg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to convection setting 325 degrees F.
Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
Combine all of the dry ingredients and mix well.
Add the wet ingredients and stir until well combined.
Using a small cookie scoop, scoop out the dough and squeeze in your hand to form a tight ball. Slightly flatten the ball while making sure the cookie holds together and place on parchment lined sheet. I made 24 cookies.
Bake for 18 minutes, or until edges are golden brown.
Remove from oven and continue cooling on cookie sheet for about 5 minutes and then move to wire rack to continue cooling.
The fibre and sugar alcohol content is almost equivalent to the carb content is this cookie recipe so they have a net carb count of less than 1 net carbs per cookie.

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