Friday, September 23, 2016

Hazelnut Torte

One of the best recipes handed down to me over the years was from my dear friend Miguel Monast, his Hazelnut Torte recipe. I think he would say the same about the Chocolate Mousse Cake that I passed on to him. The only difference being that he is 10 times the cook and baker that I am. He once asked me to come over to his house and read my Chocolate Cake recipe to him while he baked it for a church luncheon. Miguel does not use measuring cups or timers, he scoops with his hand to measure a cup and smells with his nose to know when the cake is ready. Miguel is legally blind. As I read out the ingredients to him I was mortified that he was not really measuring and randomly decided to add an extra scoop here, an egg there and did not set the timer because he claimed he could smell when the cake was done. The cake is so expensive to make that I was panicked that it would not turn out! All of my worries turned to frustration when his version of my cake turned out about 6 inches taller than mine. Bows to you my friend. He bakes my cake often and I bake his often.
The instructions I received for Miguel's Hazelnut Torte had measurements like "heaping cup full and bake until you smell....)
So here is my version of Miguel's Hazelnut Torte ketofied.

Hazelnut Torte

Hazelnut Torte

The cake

360 -400 grams raw hazelnuts roasted, cooled and ground into a fine flour.
Divide into two equal portions. You will use half of the hazelnut flour in each cake layer.
Prepare 2,  9" cake pans. I cut a parchment to fit the bottom of each pan and spray with cooking spray. I use Pam olive or coconut oil spray.

Each Layer (make twice)

1/2 of the ground hazelnuts prepared above
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 Cup Truvia (The one in the little pot)
6 eggs

Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor and whirl until well combined.
Poor into prepared pan.
Repeat for second layer.
Bake at 325 for 25-30 minutes.
Cool cakes completely on wire rack.
Once cooled, cut each cake horizontally to make 4 layers.
On one of the cut sides of each cake, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of Jordan's sugar free Hazelnut Skinny syrup  before adding whipped topping. (Optional)

Whipped Topping

1 litre of Heavy cream (4 cans coconut milk, cream only, can be substituted)
1/8- 1/4 Cup Truvia, to taste (Truvia is granular so I whip it up in my grinder to powder it) 
In a stand mixer with whisk attachment add sweetener a bit at a time.
Assemble cake with whipped topping between each layer, on top and sides of cake.
Cut cake into 16 pieces and enjoy.
Each slice has approximately 4.5 net carbs
Note: to make the creamed topping chocolate just add about 1/2 cup cocoa to the whipped topping.


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