Thursday, November 17, 2016

Veal Cubes in Gravy

Tonight's post is a quick recipe I made up on the fly. I have been busy with my Christmas baking, mostly high carb sugary stuff. I was trying to make room for another box of cookies and squares and found a package of veal cubes that had been in the freezer for quite some time. I don't like to waste food so I threw together a veal and vegetable dish with a lovely brown gravy. I severed it over cauli-rice with a side of salad.
Veal Cubes in Gravy

Veal Cubes in Gravy
1 1/2 to 2 Pounds Cubed Veal
2 Tablespoon butter
1/2 an onion diced
1-2 carrots diced
2 stalks celery diced
2 teaspoons Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
3 Cups water
1 Tablespoon beef liquid Bovril
Melt the butter in a large, non stick frying pan. Add diced vegetables and sauté until softened. 
Add the cubed veal and continue cooking until browned on all sides. 
Stir in the 3 cups of water and the liquid Bovril.
Simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until veal Cubes are tender. 
Whisk in 1/4 teaspoon Guar Gum to thicken sauce. 
Serves 4, approximately 3 net carbs. 
We served ours over a bed of cauliflower-rice to make sure we soaked up all of the delicious gravy. 

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