Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Naked Egg Rolls

A few months before I discovered the low carb way of eating I had been dabbling in cooking Chinese food. I had gotten quite good at it and I was very pleased with myself. My son Michael even told me that my egg rolls were better than the ones he eats when he visits the Chinese side of his girlfriend's family. That was a huge complement and it made me want to discover more Chinese dishes. One evening last summer I invited the neighbours for supper and served them a feast of Chinese food. They devoured it! 
Chinese food often has a lot of sugar in it and dumplings and egg rolls have wrappers which were not a part of my new way of eating anymore. I still made Chinese food for others, my friend Karen-Anne loves to come for Chinese, but I cannot eat it so I usually just make myself something else. 
I love egg rolls so much that I finally decided to just eat the filling. It was delicious all on its own, and so, the Naked Egg Rolls became a favourite of mine. Since then I have seen recipes similar to mine called Crack Slaw. Pretty much the same thing but I prefer the name Naked Egg Rolls. 
I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do.

Naked Egg Rolls

Naked Egg Rolls

3 pounds ground pork
1 1/2 tablespoons ground ginger
4 large cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon sweetener of your choice (I use erythritol)
1/2 Cup soya sauce
1 Tablespoon MCT oil or coconut oil
2 bags Coleslaw (14 ounces each/397g)
6 green onions diced, reserve some to sprinkle on top of each plate
3 eggs, scrambled
Cook scrambled eggs and set aside
Sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant and then add the meat. Continue cooking until meat is no longer pink.
In a separate bowl combine the coleslaw with the diced green onions, reserving some green onions for sprinkling on top of plates.
In another bowl whisk the salt, sugar and soya sauce. 
Drain excess fat from meat mixture and then add the coleslaw mixture.
Add the soya sauce mixture and toss until well covered. 
Heat until desired temperature, tossing in the scrambled eggs near the end.
Sprinkle top of each serving with a few pieces of green onion.
Serves 10 unless your name is André! He ate 3 enormous helpings! 
About 7 net carbs per serving 

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